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Our Staff

About St. Timothy's


Our Staff

About St. Timothy's

Clergy & Staff

The Rev. Canon John Limo


Donna Christman

Office Manager


Who We Are

Who We Are

Who We Are

Who We Are

Our Beliefs

Join Us!

We are an inclusive congregation that welcomes you no matter where you are in your journey of faith. Please come and continue your travels with us as we experience the presence of God together.

If you have questions, wants, or needs, or if you would like more information about the church, please ask the clergy or visit the Vestry’s Welcome table during our Coffee Hour after each service.

How We Worship

St. Timothy's is a part of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, the Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Communion. St. Timothy's and the Episcopal Church celebrate the full inclusion of all the baptized in all the sacraments, so we rejoice at the equal participation of women in ordained ministry and affirm LGBTQ relationships in holy matrimony.

Episcopalians worship is participatory- it is not designed just to be observed by the congregation!  Episcopalians worship in different ways, ranging from very formal services that use all the senses with fancy clothes (vestments), smells (incense), sound (music), touch (water, oil), and taste (bread and wine) to more contemporary services that are less formal and use more contemporary music.

Episcopal worship is "liturgical," meaning that our worship follows a set pattern that doesn't change much from week to week within a season of the church year.  The seasons of the church year are based on the experiences of Christ's humanity. The word "liturgy" stems from the word for drama, so the congregation's role as participants in worship is scripted for us all to celebrate the joys and sorrows of life together in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit every week, saying prayers together, reading Psalms together, and the like.

At St. Timothy's, we currently have one service at 9:30 AM. We provide a bulletin that has all the words of the service so that newcomers do not have to learn where to go next in the service.  We also sing hymns that usually come from the Episcopal Hymnal, so they are traditional hymns, although we occasionally sing music from more contemporary hymnals.